Now and then I get requests for information about one of our
dogs up for adoption or asking what to do about a wandering dog in the
neighborhood. However, there are many cases in which I want to reply, but the
email won’t go through and I can’t. I think some of you may also be angry
thinking that I’m ignoring you even though you’re trying to consult me, but
there’s nothing I can do about it because it’s a problem with the email system
Please check your email system and make sure that you can accept messages from Yahoo and Gmail accounts.
Please check your email system and make sure that you can accept messages from Yahoo and Gmail accounts.
This time I received an inquiry about a dog missing one leg,
and the email wouldn’t go through, so I’m going to post the response here.
This is the exact email I was trying to send below.
***** ***** ***** *****
I can’t really tell too much from the information given
about your neighborhood or the dog, so this may not be the best response, but
since you’re saying that you think the dog isn’t just lost but abandoned, I
want to ask if you actually witnessed anything happening. If so, you should
call the police straight away. It would be even more helpful if you have any
defining information about the person who abandoned the dog (such as a license
plate or photo).
If not, you’d need to contact a shelter, animal control, or
the police. Please tell them something like “There’s such and such sort of dog
around here, and please let me know if anyone is looking for that kind of dog,”
instead of requesting them to capture it. Then post the information to
Facebook, Twitter, or other forms of social media if you can.
Caring for a dog or cat isn’t just about pity—it also takes
a lot of medical fees and other money to buy food, potty pads, and other items.
Parasites like fleas, ticks, and scabies, as well as fungal skin diseases, can
be passed on to humans as well as dogs. If the dog doesn't get along with other
dogs, it can also lead to accidents. Finding a new home takes a lot of time and
work, and if one can’t be found, you’ll be needing to take care of the dog for
possibly years to come.
“I took the dog in because I felt bad for him, but I can’t
keep him at my home, so please take him off my hands”—please understand that
this sort of thing is very irresponsible.
First, I would like you to please ask yourself if you yourself want to help the dog, and if you will spare no effort to do so. If you’re not sure what you can do, ask yourself, “What is necessary?” If you’re willing and prepared to be proactive yourself and not just leave everything to the organizations, you should be able to find someone to help you out.
I’m guessing that you’re maybe hoping for a reply
saying specifically that such and such place will take the dog. However, everywhere
lacks funds and manpower. It may be best to expect that no place will just take
in a dog unconditionally.まずはIさんご自身が本当にその子を助けたいのか、その子を助けるために協力を惜しまないのかをご自身に問うて下さい。どんな協力ができるのかわからないのであれば「どんな協力が必要ですか」と聞いてみてください。団体さん等に丸投げすることなく積極的に関わっていく覚悟があれば、協力をしてくれる方も見つかると思います。
First, I would like you to please ask yourself if you yourself want to help the dog, and if you will spare no effort to do so. If you’re not sure what you can do, ask yourself, “What is necessary?” If you’re willing and prepared to be proactive yourself and not just leave everything to the organizations, you should be able to find someone to help you out.
***** ***** ***** *****
It’s perfectly natural to feel pity if you see a wandering
or hurt dog or cat, but the important thing is what happens after. Do you take
action or give up? This isn’t a question about being good or bad—that taking
action is always good, and giving up is always bad. There are things you can do
and things you can’t depending on your circumstances, but no matter what, you can’t expect someone else to do
something for you. There’s nothing worse than pressing someone else saying
that you found some poor animal.
There are firsts for everyone. There’s a lot of
uncertainties—what should I do, how should I do it, how should I not think? At
those times, ask someone experienced. I will say it one more time—expecting everyone else to do everything for you is wrong.
If people were able to take in an animal for the first time
based on advice from a more experienced professional, we would be able to save
so many more dogs and cats, in my opinion.

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