On the morning of the 16th my doorbell rang. It was my
neighbor, scolding me through the interphone for leaving my puppies out in the
Huh? What do you mean?
I scramble outside and
Oh. My. God.
Ok, calm down! Calm down, me!
When I take a look inside
Nursing puppiesssssssss
I’m dumbfounded. 4 new dogs, including the puppies.
どこに置く?ママ用フード買ってこないとないぞ ヒーターはどこにしまった?病院行かないと 午前中は無理だから午後イチか 予定全部キャンセルしないと いや違う、警察だ、警察に電話だ!触っちゃダメなんだよね 写真も撮っておかないと・・
I start thinking with my head in a panic.
Where do I put them? I need to buy food for nursing mothers.
Where did I put my heater? I need to go to the vet. I can’t do the
morning—gotta go first thing in the afternoon. I’ll need to cancel all my
plans. No, the police! I need to call the police! I probably shouldn’t touch
them. Gotta take pictures…
I want to put them inside quickly, but I can’t move them
until the police come. While I wait I cover it in a blanket.
The police arrive about 20 minutes later.
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よろしくお願いします Please help |
After they record the time and state I found them in, they
start looking for fingerprints. Then they had to go for some other thing, so
that was all for that day.
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犯人見つけてくださいね😢 Please find who did this 😢 |
I need to keep some space from them before the doctors look
at them. I can’t put them inside my house, so I take the crate and put it in my
car to ward off the cold for the time being.
When I return inside I change diapers and potty pads, dish
out food and medicine, and then rush off to the hospital.
ペキ×チワワかな 1歳前後? 体重3.35kg
Mommy’s up first.
Maybe a Pekinese-Chihuahua mix? About 1 year old? Weight is
3.35 kg.
Patella (right) G3
Teeth are also clean. She still has some baby teeth, so
we’ll need to get those removed when we spay her.
Lくん 体重411g 目が開いてる
Baby L. Weight: 411g. Eyes are open.
Mくん 体重203g
Baby M. Weight: 203g
Sくん 体重188g
Baby S. Weight: 188g
Only Baby L is too big. His eyes are open already, so he
must be about 2 weeks old.
Baby M and Baby S are about 1 week old each. They must be
Mommy’s babies based on the state of her breasts. All their health is in fine
condition, and should be able to find new families. I’m relieved at this.
いや、待て。おかしいな 夕べ22時頃私が外に出た時にはなかったよ。ということは犯人は一度置いていって、後で様子を見に来たらそのままになっていたので一旦回収して 明け方にまた置きに来たって事?ってことはそんなに遠くに住んでいる人じゃないね。で、私が保護活動をしていることを知っている。なんなのよ一体!
When I go home and talk to my volunteer, she was like, “That
crate was there when I left last night.”
Huh? So that means they were left out all night? Didn’t it
get to below freezing this morning?!
No, wait. That’s weird. They weren’t there when I went out at
10 pm last night. Which means that the perpetrator left them there, came back
to check up on them, and, seeing them still sitting there, took them back for a
bit, and them brought them back at dawn today? That means that the person can’t
live too far away. And knows that I do this type of work. What the hell!!
It also concerns me that the babies are biventer and all
boys. Did they keep the girls and throw out mom and the boys? They’re amateurs,
not professionals. Were they like, “Oh no, we’d been procrastinating spaying
her, and she got pregnant! Now we have too many, so we’ll abandon half of
them”?? Or just keep the girls to breed mixed puppies?
Ok, now, listen up: abandoning your animals is a CRIME!!
It’s awful how easy it is to get a dog or cat—I’ve always
thought this. You can get one easily, which means you can abandon one easily
all the same. Japan should make a dog-raising licensing system, like
Switzerland, or make some dog and cat taxes or something so it wouldn’t be so
easy to get one.
These abandoned mommy and puppies were lucky to get far away
from their no-brained owner. But I’m worried that Baby L’s mommy and other
brothers and sisters (and maybe even daddy?) are still with their sh*thead
owners. Week-old puppies need their moms—not to mention protection from the
cold! What kind of person does this?! AUGH!
Eventually, even Mommy, who was crying a bit at first, got
adjusted, and now they’re loving attention.
This might have been Mommy’s first birth. I can’t even begin
to imagine how scared and anxious she must have felt after being thrown away
with her puppies just one week after giving birth…
It’s ok, no need to worry! I’ll find you a nice new family
for you to be happy with!
ぽちっと応援お願いします Every bit of support helps

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