In January I took in Lala.
I thought that hole in her right cheek was an external
dental fistula, but it turns out I’m wrong.
炎症が強く抗生物質が効いていないようなので培養検査に出したところ、緑膿菌、大腸菌、腸球菌が出ました。(緑膿菌、やっかい😢 )お薬組み直ししました。
The inflammation is so bad, and even the antibiotics don't
seem to be working, so I put her in for a culture examination, and the results
turned out to be Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli, and Enterococcus. (P.
aeruginosa is particularly nasty 😢). We rearranged her medicines.
We also did a cytodiagnosis, and it's very likely that she
has squamous cell cancer...
They said that they can’t perform surgery because they can’t
determine the exact spots it’s spread to.
The right side of her face is swelling up, and pus is coming
out of her wound and eye. The necrosis has started, and her wound has gotten
bigger and bigger.
I’m sure she’s in some pain, but luckily she’s gobbling down
all her food and taking her medicine. She’s keeping her weight in balance.
She’s been through incredibly hard times until now, but why
does it have to add insult to injury like this…
As much as it pains me, it can’t be cured.
At the very least I want you to eat your full in a clean,
safe place.
If you stop eating and I can see you’re in terrible pain…I’ll
make the request to the doctor.
I’m praying for you to be able to eat your fill without pain
day by day.
ぽちっと応援お願いします Every bit helps

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