We,mother Kaco and daughter Saya, are working on dogs and cats conservation activities.This is our activities' blog. We hope to share the information with many people, and we also would like to transmit the information. We started the activities in earnest in 2005. Looking for adopters for 9 dogs which some homeless people were unable to look after let us to start the activities.(ル二さん 訳)


玉ちゃん、里親さん募集です! Tama's ready to find a home!

I got Tamasaburo (Tama, for short) from the animal control center last June.

As you can see, he was a mass of messy tangles.

He had some sort of collar around his neck, but it's unclear as to whether he was actually a pet or not.

There weren't any real problems with him when I took him in for an exam. Filaria came back negative. He's probably around 7 years old.

 He pees around to mark his territory, so I'm needing to put a potty belt on him.

He's a master at walkies and loves people!

When our volunteers walk him, he doesn't mind who holds the leash--he's polite all the time.

 He's quite a handsome boys with big eyes.

He's looking for someone to bring him to a forever home.

ぽちっと応援お願いします Every bit of support helps  にほんブログ村 犬ブログへ にほんブログ村 犬ブログ 犬 ボランティアへ

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