Subaru had some major problems with his deteriorating health and had to be admitted long term into the hospital at the end of last year.
His bottom jaw was initially broken, but even with time, he was able to eat properly and use his tongue. He had mitral insufficiency, kidney damage, and tracheal collapse--so many things to keep me worried--and was taking so many medications. Before Christmas his appetite started waning and he seemed lethargic, so since the vet would be closed for the New Year break, I decided to take him in for an appointment. His blood tests came back terrible, and he was immediately admitted to the oxygen room. Unfortunately he had to spend the New Years holidays in the vet. Since he wasn't eating properly, his nutritional balance was also off.
Even though he wasn't getting enough nutrition, he couldn't eat with his mouth. At the same time, I was afraid that if we tried to force-feed him, the food might go down the wrong pipe and cause bigger problems, so we decided to termporarily feed him through a tube down his neck.
We could do some jaw reconstruction surgery once he gained some weight and had a more stable condition.
His stomach seemed to have shrunk as well, so we fed him small amounts slowly over several times. More than anything, I was afraid of pnemonia caused by vomiting-induced pulmonary aspiration.
One day I went to visit him like usual, and I noticed something odd about his breathing. I told the nurse, who got the vet right away... It was pulmonary edema--water had filled in his lungs.
I felt like praying every single day looking at Subaru lying down in the oxygen room like that.
After about a week he was able to leave the oxygen room for the kennel, but we had to cancel the blood transfusion. Due to this, his tongue was extremely dry. His immunity seems to have gone down considerably, and the blood vessels in his ears have become inflamed again. The blood flow to his tail is bad, so the cells in the tip have died. Some injuries have occurred without us noticing and spread, causing more necrosis.
Despite all this, he's now recovered enough to be able to stand. The nurse told me that he goes berserk when it's time to change his neck and tail gauze.
Just as I was thinking that maybe he'll get better becuase he's put on a bit of weight, next started the seizures.
With this, now jaw surgery becomes impossible. Surgery would be over several hours, I've been told. Even under normal conditions, considering Subaru's age, I'm hesitant to put him under anaesthesia, and now the risk is even higher with the start of the seizures.
We've had to stop his IV, and since it's just tube feeding and keeping his temperature stable, I could do these things for him at home. I wanted to take him back immediately, but the doctors won't allow it. He doesn't look too peaceful, but he's sleeping and not moving. In all honesty, I'm afraid he doesn't have much time left; that's why I want to bring him home even more.
A month since he was admitted to the vet, I finally got permission to take him out.
Allllllright! We'll get you the nutrition you need and make you better!
病院で使っていたのはa/d。でもa/dは詰まることが多いし流しやすいようにお湯でゆるくすると量が増えてしまう。なのでロイカナの退院サポートを使うことに。結果、見事に下痢😱 少量で済むものを探してロイカナのクリティカルを試すと下痢することもなく順調。よし、これでいこう!! 1日1本がめやす。
They were using the a/d in the vet, but that can stop up often, so I decided to soften it up with some hot water to make it flow better, which caused the amount to increase. For this reason, I decided to go to Royal Canin for outpatient support. The result: amazing diarrhea. 😱 I decided to look for something that would be okay in small quantities; when I tried Royal Canin's Critical, the diarrhea stopped and he seems to be stable enough. Alright, let's go with this, then! I'm aiming at one a day.
移行後も順調でした。免疫の底上げもしたかったのでミルクにビタミンB,C,E, DHA,レシチン、ホーソンなどを追加。下痢や嘔吐に注意して少しづつね
But you know, this isn't easy on my wallet. 😓 So thinking about the long-term, I move to puppy milk, which he was okay with. It raises the threshold for immunity as well, so we were able to add some vitamin B, C and E, some DHA, lecithin, and more. Bit by bit, watching out for diarrhea and vomiting.
I took him to the vet once a week, and during one of our visits, they disinfected his neck and tail. His weight wasn't going up, but his condition wasn't changing either. His blood test results were good as well. He started barking when he needed something and moving around, so he was recovering on a good track.
However, come March he started throwing up. According to the doctor, the tip of the tube in his esophogus was potentially stimulating his mucous membrane and causing inflammation. But we can't take out the tube, so we decided to give him medicine and see if it clears up.
翌朝受診。血液検査の結果、腎臓の数値がバーンと上がってミネラルバランスも崩れている。 高ナトリウム血症。即入院。午後面会に行った時にはわんわん言っていたので良い兆しなのかなと思っていたら「わんわん言えるだけの元気が出たという意味では良い兆しだけど、あれは脳に問題が残ったのかもしれない」と。
And on March 21st, he had a massive bout of vomitting! Vomit matter was coming not just out of his mouth, but also his nose and neck...
I took him for tests the next morning. According to his blood test, the reading on his kidneys had gone sky high, so he was lacking a mineral balance. Hypernatremia. I had him admitted immediately. When I went to check in on him in the afternoon, he was barking, which I saw as a good sign. However, I was told that, while it could indeed be a good sign, there could be some problems remaining in his brain.
Becuase of the pulmonary edema last time, I was concerned. What could they do without giving him an IV? However, the reading improved each day, and within one week he was able to come home. That being said, he's still not in a good state.
この先ずっとチューブフィーディングになるすばる。「食べる」という楽しみをなくし 視力も失い 筋力の低下で動くこともままならない。QOLということを考えたらすばるは幸せなのだろうか?
Subaru will be relegated to tube feeding forever. He won't get to experience the joys of eating. His vision is gone, and his muslces are weakening to the point that he can't move as he wishes. What kind of quality of life is that? Can he be happy?
There's a chance that this time next year, Subaru will not be with us. I can merely do my best to cherish him being alive with no pain or suffering.
So then, let's keep an eye on him.
ぽちっと応援お願いします Every bit of support counts