We,mother Kaco and daughter Saya, are working on dogs and cats conservation activities.This is our activities' blog. We hope to share the information with many people, and we also would like to transmit the information. We started the activities in earnest in 2005. Looking for adopters for 9 dogs which some homeless people were unable to look after let us to start the activities.(ル二さん 訳)


ワンズニュース 4月号 Doggy Update: April Edition

Wow, it’s already the cherry blossom season, and I’m as busy as usual. 😓

*チビーズ Lくん
This round I’m reporting on:
*Baby L
*Our new boy

*トーマス 3月23日、旅立ちました
体重減少と食欲不振で受診。血液検査の結果、腎臓の数値が上がっていることがわかり1日おきの補液をしていましたが、23日の朝 体温の変化を感じ受診。そのまま入院となりました。帰宅後すぐに急変の連絡を受けて病院に戻りましたがすでに息を引き取った後でした。入院時の血液検査では腎臓の数値は悪いものの急変するような値ではなく、神経症状が出ていたことからおそらく脳だろうと。何らかの理由で呼吸抑制が起きたのではないかとのことでした。発作を起こしたり苦しんだりした様子はなかったということがせめてもの救いです。
*Thomas passed away on March 23.

I took him in to be examined because he lost weight and his appetite. A blood test showed that his kidney reading had gone up, and I started doing a fluid replacement every other day. On the morning of the 23rd, I felt a change in his body temperature and took him in again, where he was hospitalized. As soon as I got home I got an emergency call to immediately return back to the vet, but by the time I got there, he had already passed on. Even though his kidney reading was bad when they took his blood test upon his hospitalization, it wasn’t something that would incur such a dramatic change like this. Rather, he had some neurological symptoms that possibly suggested a brain malfunction. For some reason, something caused what we think is a respiratory depression. At least he didn’t have seizures and likely didn’t suffer. 

*ハナ 前庭疾患再発
*Hana: a relapse in her vestibular disease
Won’t eat, can’t keep balance, rapid involuntary eye movement straight to the vet.
It seems to be a spontaneous vestibular disease just like last time, but there’s the possibility of a brain tumor or a stroke. We decided to just treat it as a vestibular disease and see how her body reacts for the time being.
The prescription: Cephadol and prednisolone

Although her balance is still bad, her appetite and good mood have come back. Cue sigh of relief. 😊

*ハチ てんかん発作
飲み始めて1ヶ月、今の所発作は起こしていません。投薬量の確認のため来週 血液検査をします。
*Hachi: epileptic seizures
I was told that we’d need to start giving him medicine if he had more than 1 seizure per month, but in February he had 2, and by the start of March, he already had 2, so I went ahead and started feeding him the medicine. Frequent seizures will damage the brain, you know…

It’s been a month since he started taking the medicine, and he hasn’t had any seizures so far. I’m taking him in to the vet next week to check the dosage amount and to take a blood test.

*慎之介 前庭疾患
*Shinnosuke: vestibular disease

Same symptoms as Hana: rapid involuntary eye movements and walking around in circles. He was prescribed the same medicine. He still has a bit of a case of stiff neck, but he’s calm. I was worried about him losing his appetite, but he seems okay. I’m actually pretty surprised that he’s wanting to eat so much given how bad his eyes movements were. 😳

*チビーズ Lくん 3月25日、卒業しました
「チビーズ L」改め「心愛(ココア)」くん。幸せになるんだよ
*Baby L went to his forever home on March 25th!
They even took the number of strokes into account when naming him—something important when deciding names in Japan! They are also owners of several cats they’ve saved off the streets.

Baby L is now renamed “Cocoa.” His kanji name is心愛, which means “heart” and “love.” You’ll be a happy boy!

I already got a “Cocoa Mail” from his family!
He’s settled in well already and is a growing, curious boy! (^^;)

年齢 推定6歳
体重 3キロ
フィラリア 陽性
*Our new boy
This is Monsieur, a boy toy poodle. He was thrown away by a breeder.
Age: about 6 years
Weight: 3 kilograms
Patellar dislocation, spinal osteophytosis
Positive for filariasis 

Here I want to explain a bit about filaria:

Among filaria (a thread-like parasitic nematode worm) is the commensal bacteria Wolbachia, which acts as a parasite. However, this type of Wolbachia affects the host's reproductive system to suit its own needs, and is a tricky bugger to get rid of.
① オス殺し
1) Male death
Male killing occurs when infected males die during larval development, which increases the rate of born, infected, females

② メス化(性転換)
2) Feminization (changing sexes)
Males infected with Wolbachia retain their male genotypes, but possess completely female phenotypes. Wolbachia changes the sex of males, in which it can’t reproduce, to female, which leads to more efficient reproduction.

3) Parthenogenesis
This is the reproduction of infected females without males. It makes it host, which reproduces sexually through fertilization, have a "virgin birth" without a male, which is good for the Wolbachia.

4) Cytoplasmic incompatibility
This is the inability of infected males to successfully reproduce with uninfected females.

以上 wikipediaより https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%9C%E3%83%AB%E3%83%90%E3%82%AD%E3%82%A2
(The Japanese information is taken from the link above. The English information is a mix of translation and information taken from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolbachia)

Pretty scary, right? Boys become unnecessary? Here’s to the hope that humans can never get infected. 😏

The filaria will either die or become infertile in most cases by getting rid of the Wolbachia (with tetracycline antibiotics).

Monsieur was prescribed prednisolone, minocycline, and Cardomec. Now we need to wait patiently for the medicine to get the parasite.

*オレオ 4月7日、旅立ちました
*Oreo passed away on April 7
Oreo had liver damage and ascites since I took him in. We drained his ascites, and it seemed to have calmed down with some supplements. But he got a portal vein shunt, and slowly but surely, his liver reading started getting worse. Moreover, hepatitis is different in dogs than it is in humans, and isn't viral. Therefore I've been told that it's unlikely that it could lead to liver cancer, but we found a tumor in his liver during an ultrasound last month for his routine check-up. The biopsy showed primary hepatoma... Normally we’d do surgery and remove the tumor, but Oreo couldn’t do that.
The vet said that the hepatoma is progressing slowly, and the real worry is liver failure rather than how the cancer would progress.
On March 29, I sensed he got a fever and jaundice, so I took him in for an exam. His blood test showed generally high values for ammonia, total cholesterol, bilirubin, GPT, GOT, ALP, GGT, but low values for albumin. He was immediately hospitalized.


On April 3, he wasn’t completely better, but he was able to take oral medicine, so I had him discharged. On top of that, they found ascites again and so they couldn’t use an IV anymore. In all honestly, it didn’t look like he would be able to recover back to being the energetic boy he used to be. When ammonia levels rise they can cause spasms through hepatic encephalopathy, and with ascites, it can get hard to breathe. And with blood poisoning and DIC… I wanted to do something for him, yet there was nothing I could do. Given that, I wanted to bring him home even more.

  ☆DIC  播種性血管内凝固症候群
DIC: Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
This is essentially where blood clotting only occurs on hemorrhages, and causes chaos in the blood vessels throughout the body. Since blood clots can form anywhere in the body's vessels, it can cause organ failure, bleeding, and bloody discharge.

 処方 リーバクト、リフォロース
The prescription: Livact and Liforos

On April 6 I took him in because of a fever. They drained his ascites, and the blood test showed that the Liforos may have caused his ammonia levels to go down. However, the bilirubin levels had gotten even higher. He had few white blood cells and almost no platelets. His CRP was high. Blood poisoning...possibly DIC. I had them inject some antibiotics in hopes that his fever would go down.

After we returned home, his fever went down, and since his ascites was drained, he could breathe easily. He slept like a baby. “Thank goodness, at least he’s at ease,” I thought.

April 7. He was already gone by the time I woke up. I cried and cried and cried, holding his body, which was still warm.

やっと楽になったね ゆっくりおやすみ
July 28, 2014, the day I took you in. Thank you for all the time we were able to spend together since that day.
Thank you for letting me care for you.

I’m so sorry I couldn’t be with you at the end.

ぽちっと応援お願いします Every little bit helps  にほんブログ村 犬ブログへ にほんブログ村 犬ブログ 犬 ボランティアへ

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