We,mother Kaco and daughter Saya, are working on dogs and cats conservation activities.This is our activities' blog. We hope to share the information with many people, and we also would like to transmit the information. We started the activities in earnest in 2005. Looking for adopters for 9 dogs which some homeless people were unable to look after let us to start the activities.(ル二さん 訳)


いろいろご報告 A lot to report!

I have a boatload to report this round!
First, our “graduates”:



She’s living a nice, happy life with her sweet mommy and daddy, as well as Ms. Sakura, who used to be one of our charges before.

Little Yuzu here loved to be pampered and is also a bit stubborn. Hopefully Sakura will be able to teach her a few things while still getting all the love they want. 



Poppu here also loves to be spoiled. Apparently she’s already become Mommy’s little stalker.



Hokuto is so quiet and calm—I never heard his voice once! Even when all the other kids are barking at me at mealtimes, he just stood there with his eyes glued to me. I get a bit lonely each time one of my kids leaves me, but he was a bit special. Get all the love you deserve, and be happy.

Here are our “graduates” in order: Popo, Pochi, Poru, Yuzu, Poppu, and Hokuto.

Hang on, there are a lot of "Po"s and "Ho"s, aren’t there? Maybe they’re lucky names. Jiro, maybe we should change yours. 😅

Sakura's update:

Since she underwent her kidney removal operation, she’s been gobbling down her food like normal. The remaining bit of her kidney is fully functioning, thank goodness. I was worried about angiosarcoma and had been giving her regular inspections, but when I had her undergo an ultrasound the other day, the shadowy bit that we had thought might be a tumor was gone. She’s been gaining weight, and is now able to find a forever home soon.

Jam’s Afterward (our Shih Tzu with scabies)

He had a very bad case of scabies.


His skin condition has finally improved, and his hair is growing. Now he’s a handsome boy, as you can see.

ただ、やはり副腎に腫瘍があり、そのため副腎皮質機能亢進症(クッシング)になっています。副腎腫瘍は悪性の場合が多いのですぐにでも切除したいのですが、手術の危険度も高いようです。まだ体力的に手術ができる状態ではないのでホルモン剤(この薬がえらく高いんですよ(T . T))の投薬をしながら様子見です。いずれにせよ募集をするのは無理ですね(T_T)
However, he still has a tumor in his adrenal glands, which has turned into adrenocortical hyperfunction (or “cushing syndrome”). I want to remove his adrenal gland quickly since that type of cancer is often malignant, but it’s also a very risky surgery. His body isn’t at a state where he would be able to handle it, so we’re administering hormones (which are SOOOOO expensive) and watching how he’s doing. At any rate, this isn’t the sort of thing I can try and get donations for. T_T


Our new Italian Greyhound Shelly’s afterward

Her surgeries for sterilization, the ornonasal fistula mucous membrane flap, and breast tumor removal went smoothly.
She had a tumor in her mammary gland, and I had them take an X-ray of her lungs just in case it turned out to be malignant, which showed that she has a microchip in her. When we put it through the scanner, it referenced “AIPO” and “FAM,” but nothing was registered. (Even if you put in a microchip, it means nothing if you don’t register it. Those of you who have your pets microchipped but unregistered, do that now.) Her teeth were absolutely destroyed, so I had them all taken out. When we put the tumor through the pathology inspection, it turned out to be benign! I’m so relieved. Shelly will probably soon be up for adoption, then!

新入り君「うめ子」 センターから

Another new dog, Umeko, from an animal control center.

Even with her adoption period up, no one was going to bring home this Yorkie (?) granny 

She can’t see, and it seems she doesn’t smell well either.
My friend T. who trimmed and gave her a spa treatment said that sometimes she gives out huge yelps like she’s been hurt—so huge that you wonder where in the world she got that power from. She can’t see, so she doesn’t know what’s going on around her. Maybe yelping really loudly is all she can do to protect her in a world she can make no sense of….maybe she was just that worried.

年齢 推定10+
体重 3.05kg
両眼 白内障 慢性角膜炎 内皮ジストロフィー
卵巣に腫瘍? 膿腫ではなく腫瘤
血液検査 BUN↑ CRE↑ PCV↓
I took her straight to the vet for a checkup.
Age: Approx. 10
Weight: 3.05 kg
Cataracts, chronic cornea inflammation, and endodermis dystrophy in both eyes
A tumor in her ovaries? A tumor, not an abscess.

Breast tumor
Blood test: BUN↑ CRE↑ PCV
Her kidneys are bad, as is the inside of her mouth. She also has an exterior dental fistula. She needs immediate treatment, so I scheduled her in for next week. However…


She stopped eating the day after, so I had her reexamined. We considered her bad kidneys, so I was instructed to set her up with supplementary fluids (150 mL per day). They told me to bring her in again if she doesn’t get better in 3 days, and after 2 days she started having really bad breath, which is a sign of the kidneys not working properly. She was examined again, and her blood data was bad, so she was admitted for immediate hospitalization.

Today marks day 9 of her hospitalization. Her BUN and CRE levels are unchanged and very high. She has urine leaks, and is eating a bit. They still don’t know how long she’ll be in there for.


I don’t know what environment Ume-chan lived in previously, but it’s not hard to guess that it was far from a loving place. When she first came to me, when anyone touched her she would freeze up, which was so hard to watch. However, now when I pick her up, she rests her head on my shoulder. Since she can’t see, any new stimulation must be terrifying for her. Even if I can’t give her many experiences, I want to give her a life where she can rest and be at peace. Ume-chan, this is your home now. Get better and come back soon—I’ll be waiting.

Last is Laura

She’s under the hospital’s watch right now. She’s gained a bit of weight, which is a bit weird when you think about the amount she eats. 😓

Every day for our meetings I brush off her body and put a slicker on her, but the amount she sheds has gone down, as has her dandruff. You can see spotty patches of fur growing too.
Her breath is just as bad as always! (◎_◎;) She was supposed to have gotten the tartar removed and the inside of her mouth cleaned out, though… Her targeted weight is 5 kg (right now it’s 3.5), so this is still pretty far off. (−_−;)

My request to you:

I am in very short supply of paper diapers, pee pads, and Bio Challenge, and would be extremely appreciative if you could help me out.

新生児(一番使います) Sサイズテープ  Mサイズテープ

Paper diapers (Pampers are great)
Newborns (I use these the most), small, and medium sizes are all needed 

厚型ワイド  薄型ワイド  厚型ダブルワイド  
Pee pads
Thick wide, thin wide, and thick double wide

Bio Challenge

The more assistance I get with the large amounts of paper products we use each day, the more funds I can put in towards medical fees. I apologize for being so direct, but please help me if you can.

ぽちっと応援お願いします にほんブログ村 犬ブログへ にほんブログ村 犬ブログ 犬 ボランティアへ

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