Wouldn't you know, it's already half a month into the new year...
I have a mountain of things to update you on, but I haven't been able to do so--my apologies.
First of all is the update on Sho-chan's medical expenses, which I requested help with back in November.
Thanks to 28 kind-hearted souls, we were able to gather together a total of ¥474,000.
Lots of adoptive families also offered their support. My heart warmed at all the offers of support from those of you who knew the real actions. I also received a lot of messages from people I've never once met: "I saw this on Facebook. Keep going!" "I can't take in a dog right now, but I'd love to help out!" "I heard about this from my daughter, who's a volunteer. I support you!"
All of this well-wishing made me about to cry. At the same time, I feel like I also have to ground myself and keep doing the hard work with my head held high.
I am deeply appreciative of all of your kindness.
After paying ¥272,630 in hospitalization fees, I used the remaining ¥201,370 for other foster dogs' medical bills. Thank you all so much.
2019 in review
**卒業生 - Happy Tails "Graduates"**
6/21 リノ Rino
6/28 トト Toto
**新入生 - New Intake**
1/10 ローリー(行政) Rori (pound)
1/26 福太郎(廃業ブリーダー) Fukutaro (shut-down breeder)
3/17 ジュリア、トト(廃業ブリーダー) Julia, Toto (shut-down breeder)
3/18 小梅(行政) Koume (pound)
4/15 リノ(行政) Rino (pound)
5/22 小太郎(行政) Kotaro (pound)
6/3 沙羅(行政) Sara (pound)
7/11 ポメ男、ポメ吉、チワ子、QP(廃業ブリーダー) Pomeo, Pomekichi, Chiwako, QP (shut-down breeder)
**看取り - Hospice**
2/6 シーちゃん(老衰) Shi-chan (old-age)
3/29 ジュリア(巨大食道症) Julia (megaesophagus)
4/3 シッポ (突然死) Shippo (sudden death)
6/15 ももこ(肝臓癌) Momoko (liver cancer)
9/12 ジャム(老衰) Jam (old age)
11/12 はな(老衰) Hana (old age)
12/6 ベンジー (老衰) Benji (old age)
12/28 翔 (腎盂腎炎) Sho (pyelonephritis)
Unfortunately I don't have good news about Sho-chan.
The post-operation transition was going smoothly when he was discharged on 11/6, as was the treatment for Cushing we started. His foster parent sent me optimistic messages that he was energetic and eating fine, but then on 12/26, I got a different message: "When I woke up this morning, it looked like he'd thrown up, and he's lost his spunk."
It was at the end of the year when the vet is packed and the stop taking patients, but I decided it would be too dangerous to push it until the next day. I elbowed my way into the doctor's office.
They found he had gotten a fever and inflammation, and he was immediately admitted into the hospital again.
When I visited him the next day, I noticed his eyes were open, but he didn't seem to be seeing anything. He didn't respond when I said his name, which was disconcerting. He was just lying there and wouldn't even try to eat.
I received news that he passed away the next morning.
Sho-chan, you were a matted ball of fur inside a go-between's cage.
I couldn't get you into a forever home, but your loving foster family allowed you to live out your life, taking you here and there. You came with me to events and were cooed at by everyone, and you had fun on your walks with the other dogs.
To H-san, who fostered Sho-chan: you have my deepest thanks for all of the love you poured into him. He was able to go to heaven as a dog having had a life brimming with happy memories.
Please forgive that the post this time is without any pictures. 😅
I'll keep posting updates when I can.
ぽちっと応援お願いします Every bit helps

Wouldn't you know, it's already half a month into the new year...
I have a mountain of things to update you on, but I haven't been able to do so--my apologies.
First of all is the update on Sho-chan's medical expenses, which I requested help with back in November.
Thanks to 28 kind-hearted souls, we were able to gather together a total of ¥474,000.
Lots of adoptive families also offered their support. My heart warmed at all the offers of support from those of you who knew the real actions. I also received a lot of messages from people I've never once met: "I saw this on Facebook. Keep going!" "I can't take in a dog right now, but I'd love to help out!" "I heard about this from my daughter, who's a volunteer. I support you!"
All of this well-wishing made me about to cry. At the same time, I feel like I also have to ground myself and keep doing the hard work with my head held high.
I am deeply appreciative of all of your kindness.
After paying ¥272,630 in hospitalization fees, I used the remaining ¥201,370 for other foster dogs' medical bills. Thank you all so much.
2019 in review
**卒業生 - Happy Tails "Graduates"**
6/21 リノ Rino
6/28 トト Toto
**新入生 - New Intake**
1/10 ローリー(行政) Rori (pound)
1/26 福太郎(廃業ブリーダー) Fukutaro (shut-down breeder)
3/17 ジュリア、トト(廃業ブリーダー) Julia, Toto (shut-down breeder)
3/18 小梅(行政) Koume (pound)
4/15 リノ(行政) Rino (pound)
5/22 小太郎(行政) Kotaro (pound)
6/3 沙羅(行政) Sara (pound)
7/11 ポメ男、ポメ吉、チワ子、QP(廃業ブリーダー) Pomeo, Pomekichi, Chiwako, QP (shut-down breeder)
**看取り - Hospice**
2/6 シーちゃん(老衰) Shi-chan (old-age)
3/29 ジュリア(巨大食道症) Julia (megaesophagus)
4/3 シッポ (突然死) Shippo (sudden death)
6/15 ももこ(肝臓癌) Momoko (liver cancer)
9/12 ジャム(老衰) Jam (old age)
11/12 はな(老衰) Hana (old age)
12/6 ベンジー (老衰) Benji (old age)
12/28 翔 (腎盂腎炎) Sho (pyelonephritis)
Unfortunately I don't have good news about Sho-chan.
The post-operation transition was going smoothly when he was discharged on 11/6, as was the treatment for Cushing we started. His foster parent sent me optimistic messages that he was energetic and eating fine, but then on 12/26, I got a different message: "When I woke up this morning, it looked like he'd thrown up, and he's lost his spunk."
It was at the end of the year when the vet is packed and the stop taking patients, but I decided it would be too dangerous to push it until the next day. I elbowed my way into the doctor's office.
They found he had gotten a fever and inflammation, and he was immediately admitted into the hospital again.
When I visited him the next day, I noticed his eyes were open, but he didn't seem to be seeing anything. He didn't respond when I said his name, which was disconcerting. He was just lying there and wouldn't even try to eat.
I received news that he passed away the next morning.
Sho-chan, you were a matted ball of fur inside a go-between's cage.
I couldn't get you into a forever home, but your loving foster family allowed you to live out your life, taking you here and there. You came with me to events and were cooed at by everyone, and you had fun on your walks with the other dogs.
To H-san, who fostered Sho-chan: you have my deepest thanks for all of the love you poured into him. He was able to go to heaven as a dog having had a life brimming with happy memories.
Please forgive that the post this time is without any pictures. 😅
I'll keep posting updates when I can.
ぽちっと応援お願いします Every bit helps