We,mother Kaco and daughter Saya, are working on dogs and cats conservation activities.This is our activities' blog. We hope to share the information with many people, and we also would like to transmit the information. We started the activities in earnest in 2005. Looking for adopters for 9 dogs which some homeless people were unable to look after let us to start the activities.(ル二さん 訳)


はなちゃん その後 About Hana - Part 2


でも食べる毎に量が増えて今日は一回に一缶ペロリ( ̄◇ ̄;)

I sometimes have charges that, right before death, suddenly start eating and walking about, so I was pretty nervous, but it looks like Hana's actually getting better!!

少し体力も戻ったのか夜鳴きも復活(⌒-⌒; )
She's got a bit of strength back, and her night whining has also made a return.

まだまだ安心はできないけど はなちゃん頑張ってます☺️
I still can't exactly relax, but she's hanging in there!  ☺️

どうしても頭が右側に曲がってしまう😥 She insists on turning her head like this

ぽちっと応援お願いします Every bit helps にほんブログ村 犬ブログへ にほんブログ村 犬ブログ 犬 ボランティアへ

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