We,mother Kaco and daughter Saya, are working on dogs and cats conservation activities.This is our activities' blog. We hope to share the information with many people, and we also would like to transmit the information. We started the activities in earnest in 2005. Looking for adopters for 9 dogs which some homeless people were unable to look after let us to start the activities.(ル二さん 訳)


引き取り屋の件 The Puppy Mill Middlemen


Today I'm talking about a puppy mill go-between (a facility that takes in unwanted dogs from puppy mills and tries to sell them to other mills, or otherwise kills or neglects them until they die) in Yaita, Tochigi. They were indicted in May this year, and just a few days ago on Oct. 17, charges were filed against them. Right. This is the exact place I’ve been fighting against for over 10 years. Most of the dogs in my care are rescues from here. I had been holding myself back from posting here out of fear of interfering with the investigations, but the charges have officially been filed now.


This topic has been taken up in several types of media since the prosecution in May.

「犬の引き取り屋」で生き、死んでいく犬たち “Dogs Live and Die in ‘Puppy Mill Go-Between’”

ペット扱う業者への規制、なお不十分 “Regulations to Traders in Pets Insufficient”
犬猫販売業者告発について “Prosecuting the Cat, Dog Dealership”
「引き取り屋」という闇 “The Darkness of ‘Puppy Mill Middlemen’”
NHK クローズアップ現代 NHK Close-up Gendai

関西テレビKTV みんなのニュースワンダー Kansai TV (KTV) Minna no News Wonder

猫ブームの光と陰 “The Light and Shadows of the Cat Boom”

不十分な業者規制 動かない行政http://sippolife.jp/column/2016102800006.html


Thanks to the coverage on TV and in magazines, a lot more people know about the grim underside of the cute little dogs lined up in pet shops, of their poor mothers and fathers facing these cruelties.

Now, why does this sort of thing even happen? That’s a popular question. It’s outlined very well in this book: Who is Killing the Dogs? (link above)


Then there’s also the Japanese obsession with puppies and kittens. There are so many people under the impression that if you don’t raise a dog from when it’s a puppy, it won’t grow to love you and won’t be trainable.

法の整備も必要でしょう。でも何年もかかる法整備を待つより今すぐに出来ることもあるのです。それは「ペットショップで買わない」という選択をすること。これは今までに何度も書いていることなのですが、売れるものを置くのが商売ですから売れなくなれば自ずと扱わなくなるのです。特定犬種の子犬が欲しい人は 「ヒートが来たから繁殖させる」などという無責任なことをしないで、予約制で希望者が集まらなければ繁殖させない、近親交配はさせないというようなきちんとしたブリーダーさんを探してください。

We also need improvements with our laws, but there’s so much more we can do right now instead of just waiting countless years for legal change. We can make the conscious decision not to buy from pet shops. I’ve written this here on numerous occasions, but business is business; if they stop being able to sell their “wares,” they’ll stop selling them. People who want a specific breed of dog should search for a responsible breeder who won’t do things such as inbreeding or breed only when there are enough buyers on their lists, not irresponsible breeders who force the dogs to breed when they’re in heat and do other things like this.


Furthermore, I also think there are huge problems with the government’s jurisdiction over the animal industry. A representative from the prefecture said, “We have instructed them many times. We are responding and taking the appropriate action,” but what does “appropriate” mean? What kind of instruction have they been doing? I have heard directly the go-between say, “We know ahead of time what day they’re coming, and as long as we clean and whatnot for just that day, we’re fine.” Isn’t it precisely that these conditions are continuing year after year because no appropriate instruction is happening? Or is there some extreme discrepancy between what we and the prefecture think is “unproblematic conditions for raising the animals”?

インタビューの中でこの引き取り屋が「僕みたいな商売、ペットショップや繁殖業者にとって必要でしょう」と言っていますが、確かに今のシステムでは流通の途中でこぼれ落ちてしまった子達の受け皿はありません。もし、行政がその受け皿として引き取り屋を業として認定するのなら 登録を認めることに責任を持ち監視、指導の徹底をするべきだと思うのです。業者のモラルに問題があるのは間違い無いことなのです。

The go-between said in an interview that “Merchants like me are necessary for breeders and pet shops, are we not?” and certainly there is no safety net to catch the overflowing numbers of animals spilling over in the trade under the current system. If the government recognizes the go-betweens as that net, they need to take responsibility for registering, monitoring, and thoroughly training them. There is no doubt that the morality of these traders is flawed.


They also need a portfolio of cases and a manual at least so that when new employees enter the trade, there won’t be any confusion about how they should treat the animals—or otherwise so that treatment will be uniform, no matter the employee. I can’t believe that they continued their work even after being prosecuted. Is this because the punishment hasn’t been decided yet? Even if so, are they saying then that there are no problems in the environment the animals are being raised in—the environment that is being prosecuted?

All of my babies who were featured for the media are doing well. Except for Lala…









ぽちっと応援お願いします Every bit of support helps  にほんブログ村 犬ブログへ にほんブログ村 犬ブログ 犬 ボランティアへ

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