10/23 手術
I went to go see him at the vet the next day. He was moving around and ate all of his food. 😊 I thought that if he's like this now, he should be out of the vet in no time...
10/25 めっちゃ調子悪そう😱
Oct. 25 - His condition went far downhill 😱
No appetite, vomiting, jaundice, anemia, hemolysis, abdominal dropsy.
The abdominal dropsy was removed, and when examined, no traces of a virus or anything was found.
10/31 面会に行ったら酸素室に入ってる😭
Oct. 31 - When I went to visit him, I found him in the oxygen room. 😭
Pulmonary pneumonia. Sho doesn't have any teeth and his tongue is always drooping out of his mouth. Now that he's a senior dog as well, his tongue has lost some mobility, and I suspect food is often going down the wrong pipe. 😣 They say that misfortunes never come singly. It doesn't seem like he's got a fever, but his breathing is rough, and he hasn't recovered his strength back either...
11/7 酸素室に入って7日目。やっと退院の許可がおりて預かりさんの元に☺️
11/14 退院後の検診で経過が良好なのでクッシングの治療が始まりました。
Nov. 7 - He's been in the oxygen room for 1 full week. He got permission to be discharged and went back to his foster family. 😊
Nov. 14 - According to some tests, his progress is looking good, and we were able to start treatment for his Cushing's.
Today I just got the communication of the hospital fees.
Totaling ¥272,630 (about US$2,500). 💸💸💸
Since the beginning of the year, there's been major surgery after major surgery: heart surgeries for Toto, Pomeo, Pome-kichi, and Chiwako; Goma's bladder cancer removal; Lori's bone fracture reduction; Julia's megaesophagus surgery; and the list goes on. Apart from surgery, I'm frankly also up to my neck in monthly medical bills and exam fees. I hate to ask, but can I please request your support in paying for some of the medical bills?
郵便貯金 10780-31807931
口座名義 野澤 和子
Japan Post Bank: 10780-31807931
Account owner: Nozawa Kazuko
店名 0七八 (ゼロナナハチ)
店番 078
From other financial institutions:
Branch code: 078
Regular account, no. 3180793
Via PayPal:
These dogs were abandoned and labeled as "useless" because they're old and/or sick. Please help me in letting them live out the rest of their lives without pain and suffering, and instead with smiles and comfort.
ぽちっと応援お願いします Every bit helps

Sho, who has been staying with a foster family, was found to
have gallbladder mucocele and just underwent surgery a few days ago. Gallbladder
mucocele is an illness in which gelatinous mucus inside the gall bladder builds
up in excess. As a result, the gall bladder bulges out and causes bile
secretion defects and rupturing. It's not quite sure what causes it, but some
suspicions are a lowering of the gall bladder systolic function, gallstones and
biliary sludge, metabolic abnormality with lipids, abnormal hormone balances
(hypothyroidism, Cushing’s disease, etc.), and enteritis. Sho was diagnosed
with both gallbladder mucocele and Chushing’s.
10/23 手術
Oct. 23 - Surgery
After it was finished, the vet contacted me, much to my
relief, to let me know that surgery went smoothly and I could pick Sho up on
Nov. 4 or 5.
I went to go see him at the vet the next day. He was moving around and ate all of his food. 😊 I thought that if he's like this now, he should be out of the vet in no time...
![]() |
10/25 めっちゃ調子悪そう😱
Oct. 25 - His condition went far downhill 😱
No appetite, vomiting, jaundice, anemia, hemolysis, abdominal dropsy.
The abdominal dropsy was removed, and when examined, no traces of a virus or anything was found.
It turned out to be postoperative pancreatitis.
For a while, we weren't sure if he'd be able to recover and had to prepare for the worst, but gradually his blood tests started coming back better, and he started eating again. The jaundice cleared up, and just as soon as we were about to celebrate...
Oct. 31 - When I went to visit him, I found him in the oxygen room. 😭
Pulmonary pneumonia. Sho doesn't have any teeth and his tongue is always drooping out of his mouth. Now that he's a senior dog as well, his tongue has lost some mobility, and I suspect food is often going down the wrong pipe. 😣 They say that misfortunes never come singly. It doesn't seem like he's got a fever, but his breathing is rough, and he hasn't recovered his strength back either...
11/7 酸素室に入って7日目。やっと退院の許可がおりて預かりさんの元に☺️
11/14 退院後の検診で経過が良好なのでクッシングの治療が始まりました。
Nov. 7 - He's been in the oxygen room for 1 full week. He got permission to be discharged and went back to his foster family. 😊
Nov. 14 - According to some tests, his progress is looking good, and we were able to start treatment for his Cushing's.
Today I just got the communication of the hospital fees.
Totaling ¥272,630 (about US$2,500). 💸💸💸
Since the beginning of the year, there's been major surgery after major surgery: heart surgeries for Toto, Pomeo, Pome-kichi, and Chiwako; Goma's bladder cancer removal; Lori's bone fracture reduction; Julia's megaesophagus surgery; and the list goes on. Apart from surgery, I'm frankly also up to my neck in monthly medical bills and exam fees. I hate to ask, but can I please request your support in paying for some of the medical bills?
郵便貯金 10780-31807931
口座名義 野澤 和子
Japan Post Bank: 10780-31807931
Account owner: Nozawa Kazuko
店名 0七八 (ゼロナナハチ)
店番 078
From other financial institutions:
Branch code: 078
Regular account, no. 3180793
Via PayPal:
These dogs were abandoned and labeled as "useless" because they're old and/or sick. Please help me in letting them live out the rest of their lives without pain and suffering, and instead with smiles and comfort.
ぽちっと応援お願いします Every bit helps