・小春 1/13
・ティアラ 6/23
・ひかり 9/9
・ニコル 9/30
・玉三郎 10/17
I've been running around like crazy, and it's already July in 2019! 💦
First I'll give a review of 2018...
Our Happy Tail "graduates":
-Koharu (1/13)
-Tiara (6/23)
-Hikari (9/9)
-Nicole (9/30)
-Thyme (the cat) (10/2)
-Tamasaburo (10/17)
・周作 3/26 センターから
・タイム(仔猫) 7/18
・ピーチ 7/19 センターから
・ヒヨドリ 7/26 県からの保護依頼
・ちびちび(仔猫) 8/8 自宅前置き去り
・しっぽ 10/15 センターから
・可奈 10/17 センターから
・志乃 10/17 センターから
・ゴマ 11/8 センターから
・なつめ 12/13 センターから
Our new "recruits":
-Shusaku (3/26, from the Center)
-Thyme (the cat) (7/18)
-Peach (7/19, from the Center)
-Hiyodori (7/26, as per request from the prefecture)
-Chibichibi (cat) (8/8, abandoned at my front door)
-Shippo (10/15, from the Center)
-Kana (10/17, from the Center)
-Shino (10/17, from the Center)
-Goma (11/8, from the Center)
-Natsume (12/13, from the Center)
・ヒメ 2/11 老衰
・すばる 6/15 老衰
・ローラ 6/18 急性肝炎
・ピーチ 10/30 老衰
・キキ 11/14 肝臓癌
Under my nursing care:
-Hime (2/11, senile decay)
-Subaru (6/16, senile decay)
-Laura (6/18, acute hepatitis)
-Peach (10/30, senile decay)
-Kiki (11/14, liver cancer)
There were so many meetings and partings last year. Among them, the one that really is staying with me was Peach, who came from the Center. When I've processed through the whole ordeal, I'd like to introduce her to you all someday.
私は主に老犬、病気の子、先天性の疾患を持って産まれてきた子を保護しています。でもどうやらこれは『要注意の保護活動家』に当たりるらしいのです😓 「医療費がかかる子ばかりを集めて寄付を集めようとしている」ということらしいです。別に名指しで非難をされたわけではないのですが、コレを知って「ウチもそうみられてるのかな?」と思ったらちょっと怖くなってしまって…。
I've had my reasons for not writing long blog posts for quite a while...
I'm primarially caring for old and/or sick dogs, as well as those who were born with hereditary ailments, but nevertheless I've been targeted as a "care activist to keep an eye on." 😓 Apparently there are some people labeling me as just trying to gather up dogs that need high-cost medical care and trying to get donation money. I haven't been criticized by name exactly, but since I've found this out, it's been really weighing on me that people view me in such a way and scaring me quite a bit.
でもね、一面識もない人の非難を怖がってるなんて いるのかいないのかわからない幽霊を怖がってるようなもんだと思ったら馬鹿らしくなってしまいました(⌒-⌒; )
But it's also kind of silly to be afraid of criticism from people I've never even seen the faces of! It'd be like being afraid of a ghost that may or may not even be there in the first place. (⌒-⌒; )
What I've been wanting to show the world through my blog has been this: the mothers and fathers of the puppies and kittens that are lined up all prim and proper at the pet shops, and their brothers and sisters who can't be sold and are disposed of behind the scenes; and additionally, those dogs and cats who are detained at the animal control centers run by the government and don't have any families to go to. You can't just go to a pet shop and buy a dog or a cat just because you think it's cute, just like how you can't take in a shelter dog or cat just because you think it's so sad. What I'm trying to do is to help people consider taking in another life.
現場も知らず「生きていることが不思議だ」と言われるような子のケアをしたこともない人に何を言われても気にする必要はないんだよね。そう思えたらなんだかスッキリしました( ^ω^ )
The people who have never cared for a creature who you just think, "What a wonder it is that you're alive," or seen where they came from--I have no reason to be concerned about what those people say. Let the haters hate--coming to this conclusion has really lifted a weight off me.
There are so many people that are vets or healthcare providers themselves who adopt from me. It's an odd thing, really. I'm able to get a lot of professional advice from them, and sometimes they help me out with surgeries and other such things. The same goes for trimmers who help me out with trimming, and the people who support me by donating potty sheets and doggy diapers. I'm able to continue what I'm doing thanks to these people. I have no reason to be afraid of ghosts. 😣
一個人が繋げる命なんてたかが知れてるけど、数にこだわることなく一頭一頭確実に(新しいお家を見つけるにしろ ここが終の住処となるにせよ)幸せをつかんでもらいたいと思っています。
My aim is to let those in my care have a chance at happiness, all as individual animals and not a "mass" of them, whether that means they find a happy forever home, or they spend their last days here with me.
ぽちっと応援お願いします Every bit of support helps

・小春 1/13
・ティアラ 6/23
・ひかり 9/9
・ニコル 9/30
・玉三郎 10/17
I've been running around like crazy, and it's already July in 2019! 💦
First I'll give a review of 2018...
Our Happy Tail "graduates":
-Koharu (1/13)
-Tiara (6/23)
-Hikari (9/9)
-Nicole (9/30)
-Thyme (the cat) (10/2)
-Tamasaburo (10/17)
・周作 3/26 センターから
・タイム(仔猫) 7/18
・ピーチ 7/19 センターから
・ヒヨドリ 7/26 県からの保護依頼
・ちびちび(仔猫) 8/8 自宅前置き去り
・しっぽ 10/15 センターから
・可奈 10/17 センターから
・志乃 10/17 センターから
・ゴマ 11/8 センターから
・なつめ 12/13 センターから
Our new "recruits":
-Shusaku (3/26, from the Center)
-Thyme (the cat) (7/18)
-Peach (7/19, from the Center)
-Hiyodori (7/26, as per request from the prefecture)
-Chibichibi (cat) (8/8, abandoned at my front door)
-Shippo (10/15, from the Center)
-Kana (10/17, from the Center)
-Shino (10/17, from the Center)
-Goma (11/8, from the Center)
-Natsume (12/13, from the Center)
・ヒメ 2/11 老衰
・すばる 6/15 老衰
・ローラ 6/18 急性肝炎
・ピーチ 10/30 老衰
・キキ 11/14 肝臓癌
Under my nursing care:
-Hime (2/11, senile decay)
-Subaru (6/16, senile decay)
-Laura (6/18, acute hepatitis)
-Peach (10/30, senile decay)
-Kiki (11/14, liver cancer)
There were so many meetings and partings last year. Among them, the one that really is staying with me was Peach, who came from the Center. When I've processed through the whole ordeal, I'd like to introduce her to you all someday.
私は主に老犬、病気の子、先天性の疾患を持って産まれてきた子を保護しています。でもどうやらこれは『要注意の保護活動家』に当たりるらしいのです😓 「医療費がかかる子ばかりを集めて寄付を集めようとしている」ということらしいです。別に名指しで非難をされたわけではないのですが、コレを知って「ウチもそうみられてるのかな?」と思ったらちょっと怖くなってしまって…。
I've had my reasons for not writing long blog posts for quite a while...
I'm primarially caring for old and/or sick dogs, as well as those who were born with hereditary ailments, but nevertheless I've been targeted as a "care activist to keep an eye on." 😓 Apparently there are some people labeling me as just trying to gather up dogs that need high-cost medical care and trying to get donation money. I haven't been criticized by name exactly, but since I've found this out, it's been really weighing on me that people view me in such a way and scaring me quite a bit.
でもね、一面識もない人の非難を怖がってるなんて いるのかいないのかわからない幽霊を怖がってるようなもんだと思ったら馬鹿らしくなってしまいました(⌒-⌒; )
But it's also kind of silly to be afraid of criticism from people I've never even seen the faces of! It'd be like being afraid of a ghost that may or may not even be there in the first place. (⌒-⌒; )
What I've been wanting to show the world through my blog has been this: the mothers and fathers of the puppies and kittens that are lined up all prim and proper at the pet shops, and their brothers and sisters who can't be sold and are disposed of behind the scenes; and additionally, those dogs and cats who are detained at the animal control centers run by the government and don't have any families to go to. You can't just go to a pet shop and buy a dog or a cat just because you think it's cute, just like how you can't take in a shelter dog or cat just because you think it's so sad. What I'm trying to do is to help people consider taking in another life.
現場も知らず「生きていることが不思議だ」と言われるような子のケアをしたこともない人に何を言われても気にする必要はないんだよね。そう思えたらなんだかスッキリしました( ^ω^ )
The people who have never cared for a creature who you just think, "What a wonder it is that you're alive," or seen where they came from--I have no reason to be concerned about what those people say. Let the haters hate--coming to this conclusion has really lifted a weight off me.
There are so many people that are vets or healthcare providers themselves who adopt from me. It's an odd thing, really. I'm able to get a lot of professional advice from them, and sometimes they help me out with surgeries and other such things. The same goes for trimmers who help me out with trimming, and the people who support me by donating potty sheets and doggy diapers. I'm able to continue what I'm doing thanks to these people. I have no reason to be afraid of ghosts. 😣
一個人が繋げる命なんてたかが知れてるけど、数にこだわることなく一頭一頭確実に(新しいお家を見つけるにしろ ここが終の住処となるにせよ)幸せをつかんでもらいたいと思っています。
My aim is to let those in my care have a chance at happiness, all as individual animals and not a "mass" of them, whether that means they find a happy forever home, or they spend their last days here with me.
ぽちっと応援お願いします Every bit of support helps