This is about the prosecution of the operator again. They announced non-indictment because of a lack of reasonable doubt. However, the conditions the animals are living in are unsanitary to the extreme, without even excrement being taken care of. The normalization of these conditions shows how clearly this points to neglect.
Furthermore, this ridiculous decision was made without actually considering the veterinary decisions and facts pointed out by professionals. This non-indictment gives the operators the green light to keep up the abusive conditions.
On September 1, we lodged and allegation to the Otawara Commission of Inquiry demanding fair punishment.
This is our last chance. I hope that you will all raise your voices and sign the petition to show them that this cannot let slide!
↓Details for the petition are here
Thank you for your support!
Thank you for your support!
ぽちっと応援お願いします Every little bit helps